توفى الطفل ..
فأعطوه لأبيه ليدفنه وكانت الماسأة عندما ركب السيارة ذاهباً الى المقبرة
Child died ..
Give unto his father to bury him and rode tragedy was when the car was going to the cemetery
أعطوه لأبيه ليدفنه وكانت الماسأة عندما ركب السيارة ذاهباً الى المقبرة
يقول أحدهم : ولدت زوجة صديقي في الشهر السابع
و لم يستمر إلا أيام معدودات حتى توفي المولود
فأعطوه لأبيه ليدفنه !
ركبت معه في السيارة وانطلقنا إلى المقبرة و هو واضع ابنه في حجره
وعينه بوجه ابنه , أثر بي الموقف و لكن تمالكت نفسي ,
انحنى بنا الطريق, فاستقبلتنا الشمس
فقام بحركة غريبة جداً !
نزع سترته و ظلل بها ابنه ليقيه حر الشمس !
يا الله .. لقد نسي الأب أن ابنه ميت !غلبتني دمعة .. قفزت من عيني ..
فصددت و انفجرت باكياً من رحمته بولده
و فهمت حينها معنى الآية و أخذت أرددها :ـ
Child died ..
Give unto his father to bury him and rode tragedy was when the car was going to the cemetery
They gave him to his father to bury him and rode tragedy was when the car was going to the cemetery
Says one friend was born wife in the seventh month
And lasted only a few days until the baby died
Give unto his father to bury him!
Rode with him in the car and we set off to the cemetery and is the author of his son in his lap
And appointed his son, generally, the impact of my position, but Tmaket myself,
Bowed us the way, the sun Fastqubltna
So, the movement is very strange!
Removing his jacket and silhouetted by the son of the sun shield them free!
Oh God .. I've forgotten the father that his son is dead! Glaptna tear .. I jumped out of my eyes ..
Vsddt and burst into tears mercy of his son
And then I understood the meaning of the verse and took Orddha:
فأعطوه لأبيه ليدفنه وكانت الماسأة عندما ركب السيارة ذاهباً الى المقبرة
Child died ..
Give unto his father to bury him and rode tragedy was when the car was going to the cemetery
أعطوه لأبيه ليدفنه وكانت الماسأة عندما ركب السيارة ذاهباً الى المقبرة
يقول أحدهم : ولدت زوجة صديقي في الشهر السابع
و لم يستمر إلا أيام معدودات حتى توفي المولود
فأعطوه لأبيه ليدفنه !
ركبت معه في السيارة وانطلقنا إلى المقبرة و هو واضع ابنه في حجره
وعينه بوجه ابنه , أثر بي الموقف و لكن تمالكت نفسي ,
انحنى بنا الطريق, فاستقبلتنا الشمس
فقام بحركة غريبة جداً !
نزع سترته و ظلل بها ابنه ليقيه حر الشمس !
يا الله .. لقد نسي الأب أن ابنه ميت !غلبتني دمعة .. قفزت من عيني ..
فصددت و انفجرت باكياً من رحمته بولده
و فهمت حينها معنى الآية و أخذت أرددها :ـ
Child died ..
Give unto his father to bury him and rode tragedy was when the car was going to the cemetery
They gave him to his father to bury him and rode tragedy was when the car was going to the cemetery
Says one friend was born wife in the seventh month
And lasted only a few days until the baby died
Give unto his father to bury him!
Rode with him in the car and we set off to the cemetery and is the author of his son in his lap
And appointed his son, generally, the impact of my position, but Tmaket myself,
Bowed us the way, the sun Fastqubltna
So, the movement is very strange!
Removing his jacket and silhouetted by the son of the sun shield them free!
Oh God .. I've forgotten the father that his son is dead! Glaptna tear .. I jumped out of my eyes ..
Vsddt and burst into tears mercy of his son
And then I understood the meaning of the verse and took Orddha:
إرسال تعليق